Who are the villains in Granny Advent books?

Throughout her adventures, Granny Advent encounters many villains who are known from Christmas stories and legends. In this video, we will meet some of them.


Krampus is a mythical creature from Central European folklore, particularly in Austria, Bavaria, and Slovenia. He is often described as a half-goat, half-demon monster who punishes naughty children during the Christmas season.Here’s a breakdown of Krampus’ characteristics:Appearance.Krampus is typically depicted as a dark, hairy creature with horns, a long tongue, and cloven hooves. He often carries a birch rod for spanking naughty children and a sack to carry them away. Role.Krampus serves as a dark counterpart to Saint Nicholas (Santa Claus). While Saint Nicholas rewards good children with gifts, Krampus punishes bad children with coal, switches, or even taking them away. Traditions. In some regions, Krampus accompanies Saint Nicholas on December 5th (Krampusnacht) or 6th (St. Nicholas Day). He may appear in parades or celebrations, sometimes interacting with the crowd, especially children. Parents may use Krampus as a figure to encourage good behavior in their children.Origins. The origins of Krampus likely date back to pre-Christian pagan traditions. He may have been linked to winter solstice celebrations or figures associated with wild hunts.Krampus is not as widely known as Santa Claus, but he remains a popular figure in some parts of Europe and has gained some interest in North America in recent years.


Gryla is an ogress from Icelandic Christmas folklore, known as a terrifying creature who is particularly associated with the Christmas season. Here’s a breakdown of what we know about her:Gryla is depicted as a monstrous woman, enormous and grotesque in appearance. She is said to be the mother of the thirteen Yule Lads, mischievous trolls who visit children during the twelve days leading up to Christmas. While the Yule Lads can be both naughty and nice, Gryla is a purely menacing figure. Traditionally, Gryla was said to hunt for naughty children during the Christmas season, particularly those who hadn’t finished their chores or hadn’t learned their Christmas carols. She would then take them away in her sack and either devour them or turn them into her slaves. In recent times, the portrayal of Gryla has softened somewhat. While still a scary figure, she is less likely to be seen as a child-eater and more as a cautionary tale to encourage good behavior. It’s interesting to note that Gryla’s role as a Christmas villain is a relatively recent development. Originally, she was just an ogress from Icelandic folklore, not specifically linked to Christmas.

Baba Yaga

Baba Yaga is a fascinating and enigmatic figure from Slavic folklore, particularly well-known in Russia. Here’s a breakdown of her key characteristics:Descriptions of Baba Yaga vary, but she’s often depicted as a:An old woman with a hunched back, long claws, and a single tooth.Sometimes with a bony leg or iron nose that can touch the ceiling of her hut.She lives in a unique hut that stands on giant chicken legs. The hut can spin around, and Baba Yaga often uses a mortar and pestle to fly through the air, sweeping away her tracks with a broom made of birch twigs. Her role can be ambiguous. Sometimes she’s a fearsome villain who kidnaps and devours children, particularly those who are disobedient or disrespectful. In other tales, she acts as a guide or helper, offering wisdom and assistance to those who approach her respectfully and complete the tasks she sets for them. Interpretations of Baba Yaga vary. Some see her as a symbol of death and the underworld. Others see her as a guardian of the natural world and the mysteries of life and death. Baba Yaga remains a popular figure in Slavic culture and has appeared in numerous stories, poems, and even video games. Her image is often used to represent the power and unpredictability of the natural world and the wisdom that can be found outside of societal norms.

Father Whipper

Father Whipper” or “Old Man Whipper is a character associated with Saint Nicholas Day (December 6th) in France and some other parts of Europe. Here’s a breakdown of his role:Companion to Saint Nicholas: Unlike Santa Claus, who delivers presents to all children on Christmas Eve, Saint Nicholas traditionally delivers gifts on December 6th in Europe. Père Fouettard acts as a companion to Saint Nicholas.Punisher of Naughty Children: While Saint Nicholas rewards well-behaved children with gifts, Père Fouettard punishes naughty children with lumps of coal, switches, or even threats of taking them away.Appearance: Descriptions vary, but Père Fouettard is often depicted as a:Grotesque figure: He may be dressed in dark rags or animal skins, with a dirty face and a long beard.Carrying a whip or stick: This symbolizes his role as a punisher.Sometimes chained or accompanied by demons: Adding to his menacing appearance.Origins: The exact origins of Père Fouettard are unclear, but he may be linked to:Pre-Christian pagan traditions: Possibly figures associated with winter solstice celebrations or rituals involving discipline and good behavior.Fear-based child-rearing practices: His role may have been used by parents to encourage good behavior in their children.Modern Interpretation: In recent times, the portrayal of Père Fouettard has softened somewhat. While still a reminder of the consequences of bad behavior, he is less likely to be seen as a truly terrifying figure. Some parents may even use him in a playful way to encourage good behavior.Comparison to Krampus: Père Fouettard shares some similarities with Krampus, the Central European Christmastime villain who punishes naughty children. However, Père Fouettard is specifically linked to Saint Nicholas Day, while Krampus may appear closer to Christmas itself.